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Writer's pictureHope Hughes

The Power of Reiki in Managing Anxiety: Natural Solutions for Empathic Women

Overcoming Overwhelm and Finding Your Inner Calm

Woman on massage table receiving crystal reiki
Woman receiving Reiki with crystals

In today's fast-paced world, many women are struggling with anxiety. How do I know? I don't have to find the statistics to prove it, I hear it from my clients on a consistent basis.

Often the unrealistic demands of work, family, and the pressure to "do it all" can leave even the most resilient among us feeling overwhelmed. For empathic women—those who are deeply sensitive to the emotions and energies of others and the energies around them—these feelings can be even more intense. If you've ever felt drained after being around certain people or found yourself absorbing the stress of those around you, you know exactly what I mean.

Reiki, an ancient Japanese energy healing technique, offers a natural and effective way to manage anxiety, particularly for those who are highly sensitive. This blog will explore how Reiki can help you find inner calm, providing the support you need to navigate life with greater ease.

Understanding Reiki: A Gentle Healing Practice

Reiki works by channeling healing energy through the practitioner to the recipient, clearing energetic blockages, and restoring balance to the body’s energy centers (known as chakras). During a Reiki session, you might experience a sense of deep relaxation, warmth, or tingling sensations as the energy flows through you. You might see images or lights. Some people even report feeling a release of emotional burdens they didn't realize they were carrying.

While Reiki is often described as "hands-on healing," it’s important to note that the touch is gentle and non-invasive. I often place my hands lightly on my client, sometimes I'm called to move energy in a different way and may be touching pressure points or using myofacial release techniques. Often, my hands just above the body, working with the energy in the auric field or "energy body". This gentle approach makes Reiki particularly appealing to those who are sensitive or easily overwhelmed.

My first experience with Reiki was in the fall of 2018 while undergoing chemotherapy treatments for stage three breast cancer. A friend purchased a session for me as a gift and although I hoped it could ease some of my physical symptoms, I had no idea it would have such a profound impact on my fear, anxiety and overall wellbeing.

How Reiki Helps Manage Anxiety

For empathic women, the constant influx of emotions and energies from others can feel overwhelming, leading to heightened anxiety. Reiki offers a sanctuary—a space where you can release the energy that isn't yours to carry and reconnect with your own inner peace and wisdom.

1. Releasing Energetic Burdens: One of the most powerful aspects of Reiki is its ability to help you release the emotional and energetic burdens that don't belong to you (as well as some that do!). Many highly sensitives people find that they carry the weight of others' emotions, which can lead to confusing or conflicting emotions, feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. During a Reiki session, you may experience a sense of lightness or relief as this excess energy is gently cleared away.

2. Balancing Your Chakras: The chakras are the energy centers in your body that influence your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these centers are out of balance, it

Woman meditating with chakra symbols around her
Chakra Centers

can lead to anxiety, stress, and other emotional challenges. Reiki helps to restore balance to these energy centers, promoting a sense of calm and grounding. For many, this balancing act is key to managing anxiety and feeling more centered in daily life.

3. Cultivating Inner Calm: In a world that often feels chaotic, Reiki provides a moment of stillness—a chance to tune out the noise and reconnect with your inner self. This practice can help you develop a stronger sense of inner calm, which in turn makes it easier to handle external stressors. Over time, many women find that Reiki not only helps them manage anxiety but also fosters a deeper sense of resilience and self-assurance.

4. Encouraging Mindfulness: Reiki encourages you to be present in the moment, which is a powerful antidote to anxiety. By focusing on the sensations in your body and the flow of energy, you’re invited to let go of worries about the past or future. This mindfulness aspect of Reiki can be particularly beneficial for empathic women, helping you stay grounded even in the face of life's challenges. For more on this, see my blog post How To Ground & Release in Just 30 Seconds: 6 Essential Tips.

Lavender in gold vase with crystals and candle
Have you experienced Reiki before? How has it helped you manage your anxiety? I’d love to hear your thoughts or any questions you may have about Reiki. Feel free to share in the comments below!

What to Expect During Your Reiki Session

Whether you’re new to Reiki or have experienced it before, each session is unique and personal to you. You might find yourself drifting into a meditative state, feeling as though time has slowed down. Or you might become aware of certain emotions or memories rising to the surface—this is a sign that healing is taking place. Reiki works on multiple levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual—to help you achieve a state of holistic well-being.

While I can describe these experiences, the best way to truly understand the benefits of Reiki is to experience them firsthand. Many of my clients, particularly highly sensitive, empathic or intuitive women, have found profound relief from anxiety through Reiki, and I invite you to explore this healing practice for yourself.

**To learn more about Reiki - Visit my Reiki FAQ page.

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