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Writer's pictureHope Hughes

How to Ground and Refocus in Just 30 Seconds: 6 Essential Tips

Updated: Aug 5

Brain Fog & Overwhelm - Is It Just Me? Or Are You Feeling It Too?

In a world that constantly demands our attention, finding a moment of peace can feel nearly impossible. My life often feels like a whirlwind of responsibilities, to-do's and noise and when I get caught up in all of that I don't make healthy food choices, my sleep habits are wonky and I feel confused and overwhelmed. Can you relate?


I've had to take a few steps back this week to recalibrate. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't prioritize the dozens seemingly urgent tasks on my list and I couldn't make decisions. I stepped away from the computer (and this newsletter that was "supposed" to go out last week), the phone calls I needed to make for my elderly mom, the social media post... you get the idea.

I took my ass to the couch and had a long talk with myself. After some deep breaths, a glass of water and refocusing my attention back to the now, I realized I just needed a break. So I sat there with my emotion and my overwhelm for hours. Then I took myself outside and sat there for another hour.


Sitting in silence, going for walks in nature, mindful eating and regular energy balancing with Reiki can help you cultivate calm in your life.

Here are 5 simple & effective ways to cultivate calm that take just 30 seconds!


  1. Take 3 deep breaths. Yep, it's as easy as breathing. Focus on your breath for just three slow, deep inhales and exhales. You can do this anywhere. Focus on how you feel before and after.

  2. Focus on your water. Might sound crazy but water is incredibly powerful and it will hold and amplify your intention. Fill a glass with water, put your hands on the glass, take a moment to infuse it with any calming intention you'd like, and then drink it.

  3. Put your feet on the ground. Grounding or earthing is the act of connecting with the earth. It has more benefits than I can list here - just know that it calms your nervous system and helps you release energies that don't serve you.

  4. Relax your body. Notice where you body is tight and relax it. This might be your shoulders, stomach, jaw, etc. This goes great with #1 above!

  5. I am safe in this moment. Repeat out loud or to yourself for 30 seconds. This is more powerful than it sounds and can bring you out of intense stress mode. Notice where you were thinking about the past or the future and bring yourself back into the present moment.

  6. Bring in the energy. You don't have to be trained in Reiki to feel benefit from basic energy techniques. Imagine your entire body encased in a warm golden or white light and just allow it to surround you and bring in any type of physical or emotional healing you'd like.


Can these simple practices really make a difference?

Here are the benefits I've noticed.


  1. Focus on what's truly important in the moment and quiet the mind chatter. This means lowering the volume on the self doubt or over thinking and simplifying so that I can make better decisions and not feel overwhelmed and paralyzed.

  2. Allowing stress to leave the body. When I'm stress out I can physically feel it! When I take a moment to calm I can feel my shoulders fall and my stomach relax. We all hold stress in different ways but this is where I found mine.

  3. Coming back to now. To deal with things happening now. Not in the past, not in the future, but now.

I hope you found this helpful. Go easy on yourself today.


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