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Writer's pictureHope Hughes

Embracing Guidance and Uplifting Energy

Channeled Message from 10/9/24

A woman with crystals and plants meditating with magical energies around her
Embrace guidance by finding a little quiet time to connect to your guides

It’s important to understand that your guides are all around you; they’re not above you like angels in the sky or like God up there on a cloud.. Often, your guides are aspects of your higher self or other versions of you or souls you are deeply connected to who agreed to be a guide for you in this lifetime. The interesting thing is that right now, we are operating on a completely multidimensional level, because energy is shifting and the veil is thinning. The result of this is that different layers of you may be coming to the forefront. This can look like old memories or emotions rising to the surface to be cleared, past life experiences, places or people suddenly making sense or it can even be clarity around your purpose here, or a profound knowing that it’s time for you to step into your purpose. Keep in mind that can often surface as a realization that what used to light you up no longer does and you might feel bored or unfulfilled. If you’re feeling this, just allow it to run its course and observe how you feel. 

Okay so back to the question about your guides. Your guides are always present, the issue isn't that they're absent or that you can't hear them; it's often that you're too busy to listen.   They've been reminding me to slow down and simply BE, which is why you haven’t heard much from me  lately. I’ve been not working until 9pm, taking time to make a dinner or talk to a friend on the phone or just sit in silence and think or sit in silence and not think or journal. 

The guides have asked me to convey how important it is for you to use your energy to uplift both the planet and yourself. As you witness the tragedies unfolding around the world—wars, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, shootings, car accidents—know that it’s essential to be aware of these events without becoming overwhelmed by them.

A person sitting on a couch watching disturbing news
When world events are overwhelming

It’s natural to feel grief or anxiety in response to these events. Allow yourself the time to process those feelings if you need to but don’t stay there for too long. Feeling sorry for someone else or feeling “bad” for them is a normal compassionate response, but it doesn’t actually help them… or you.  So remember that you also have the power to hold love and peace in your heart for those affected. You can send your highest prayers, Reiki healing, and positive intentions to them. This is what is needed right now.

I dive deep into this during my talks and events so you may have heard this from me before, but the guides tell me that this moment in history is not just about war, tragedy, power, or control; it’s about community. It’s about humanity coming together, and sometimes, that’s what it takes. I’m not saying that this is a good thing; I’m simply acknowledging that it is. The question then becomes, how can we work with it? How can we choose love? How can we remain uplifted amidst it all while supporting ourselves and our community?

The balance between light and dark symbolized with a yin/yang symbol
Balancing the energies of light and dark
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on connecting with our guides and navigating the challenges of our world.
I invite you to share your experiences and reflections in the comments below—how do you connect with your higher self or find balance in your life?

If you found this message resonant, please give it a like and share it with your friends and community. Together, we can uplift each other and spread more light in the world.


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