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Writer's pictureHope Hughes

Communicating with Nature: My Journey into the World of Nature Beings and Plant Spirits

Nature holds great wisdom, waiting for us to remember how to listen.”

For those who know me, it might not come as a surprise that my connection with nature runs deep. But for those of you who wonder why—why I find solace in the rustling leaves, why I seek the company of trees and plants—the answer lies in a journey that began when the nature beings themselves reached out to me. This is the story of how I began to communicate with nature spirits, and how these encounters have shaped my path, leading me to where I am today.

Bark of a cottonwood tree
Bark of a cottonwood tree

A Whisper from the Trees:

It was the spring of 2019, as I was recovering from a double mastectomy that concluded my cancer treatment, I often took long walks to get my strength back. As I strolled through a suburban park, surrounded by townhomes and soccer fields, I heard a faint "psst..." I turned around, only to find myself face to face with a grand cottonwood tree, standing just a few feet from the trail. Intrigued, I retraced my steps and approached the tree.

This was the moment that changed everything. The cottonwood began communicating with me, not with words, but through a telepathic connection. He told me that it was time for me to begin doing what I came here to do, that things were about to change. Though he didn’t give me specific instructions, his message was clear—I was on the right path, and I had a purpose to fulfill. That was the first time I had a conversation with a tree, and it was only the beginning.

Over the following weeks, I returned to visit this wise old tree, who later introduced himself as Fa. Fa revealed that he was an elder, overseeing the younger trees in the area and that he loved his place in the world. Each visit deepened my connection, and I began to realize that my communication with nature was something more than just imagination—it was the beginning of a profound awakening process.

An Awakening on the Open Road:

A few weeks after my first encounter with Fa, I embarked on a solo road trip to Tennessee for  holistic life coach training. Driving on the open road, I felt a sense of freedom and possibility. Along the way, hawks appeared, often flying alongside my car and sitting on the fence posts that dotted the side of the road as I wizzed by. 

An outstretched hawk flying along the open road with mountains in the background
Spotting a hawk on the open road

At the training retreat I found myself in the company of 15 like-minded individuals, kind and empathic souls. We shared the stories that had brought us together, we coached each other and for the first time I felt seen, fully seen. 

The synchronicities and signs that had started on the road continued throughout the training. During one of our exploration sessions we each drew a card from an animal spirit deck. I drew the hawk. That afternoon we spotted two hawks there on the property. From that point forward I knew I had a special connection with the spirit of the hawk. 

Barely a week after returning from Tennessee I was at home in my living room working on the computer when I heard the long and mournful cry of a hawk. If you’re familiar with the cry of the hawk you know how distinct it is. I stood and looked out through the sliding glass door that lead to my back yard. There I saw two huge Swainson’s hawks sitting atop the wooden pergola in my back yard. Below them was the bunny who’s banishment I’d waived when I caught him eating the lettuce in my garden just a month prior. He’d become a friend, “How much lettuce can one little bunny eat anyway?”, I’d thought to myself. But today, he was the food and already gone by the time I discovered him. I watched in wonder as the pair took turns guarding and eating the bunny. 

When spirit wants your attention - it has a way of getting it. And this was no exception. It was that day I began to heed the signs I was given and realized there was something bigger at play here.

When was the last time you truly listened to the whispers of the trees, or felt the presence of the unseen in the natural world around you?

Looking Back:

Reflecting on my life, I realized that my connection with the unseen world had always been present. As a child, I was fascinated with horoscopes, the I Ching, tarot cards, and the mysteries of quantum physics. I devoured books by then famous psychic Sylvia Browne that told the stories of psychic messages long before Long Island Medium was a thing.  Then moved on to life after death stories. At the time, I thought it was just a hobby, a passing fascination. Little did I know that these early interests were preparing me for the path I would eventually walk.

I remembered other moments, too—like the time a giant, iridescent dragonfly appeared in my yard, whispering of great changes to come. At the time, I brushed it off as my imagination. Now, I see it as one of the many signs that were guiding me all along.

A Journey Through Time and Memory:

In the spring of 2023, my journey took me to Arkansas on another solo road trip with a deep inner knowing that I needed to be there. Upon arrival, my first stop was the Blue Springs Heritage Center mainly for the nature scenes and garden. However a few minutes into my tour I found myself watching an old warbly sounding, museum style video that told the history of the Osage and Cherokee nations that once lived on the land. Here the miraculous healing waters of the springs were considered sacred. It was said to heal physical and emotional wounds, and helped build a community. After hearing this story I knew at once knew why I was guided to this historic site.

On the fifth day of my trip I drove four hours south to explore Hot Springs, Arkansas. During my self guided tour of Garven Gardens, I found a secluded spot by a stream so sit in silence. Listening to the sound of the flowing water, I connected with the energy of the land, allowing myself to sink into a deep meditation.

After what felt like 30 minutes, I rose and crossed a little bridge into a grove of trees. Here, the trees revealed to me a past life memory—a life in which I had been a young woman of European descent who had fallen in love with a Native American man. Our love was strong, though not accepted by our families. We lived together for many years until his tribal duties called him back in service of his family. For the remainder of that life, I lived alone in a cabin in the woods, content and grateful for the love I had known.

The trees then told me, “Bring people to the trees; it will help them remember who they are. The trees hold great wisdom. Not only do they share their energy with us, but they also have magical abilities to heal.” This message resonated deeply, reinforcing the connection I have always felt with nature and setting the stage for my future work.

a stream lined by cottonwood trees with mountains in the background
A stream lined by cottonwood trees

Because of these messages and the countless other experiences I have had with plants, crystals, animals, water and land over the years, much of what I offer to clients, especially events such as my nature meditations and cacao ceremonies and events are a direct result of these messages. Stay tuned for more of their specific messages in future blog posts.

As you go about your day, I invite you to pause and connect with the nature around you. Whether it’s a tree in your backyard or a stream in a nearby park, take a moment to listen, to feel, and to be present. What messages are waiting for you? Nature has so much wisdom to offer, and it’s time we remember how to listen.

What have your experiences been with nature beings? What signs did you first notice when you were awakening? Share your stories in the comments below—I’d love to hear how nature has spoken to you.

This story is meant to inspire you to reconnect with the natural world and listen to the whispers of the earth. Your journey is just beginning—what will you discover when you truly start to listen?

🌿 Ready to connect with nature on a deeper level? Join me for an upcoming cacao ceremony or outdoor nature event where we'll explore these connections together.

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